Successful completion of the RE-START Pilot Tests
Within the framework of the “RE-START: Reinforcing the circular economy model for START-ups” project, the consortium organised a series of Pilot Tests that took place in the partner countries from April to June 2023. In total, 6 Pilot Tests have been conducted in Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Poland by GrantXpert Consulting, Innovation Hive, Hellenic Open University, Fundacion Empresa Universidad De Alicante De La Comunidad Valenciana, Universidade Da Beira Interior and DANMAR Computers respectively.
The primary objective behind the implementation of the RE-START Pilot Tests was to thoroughly assess the relevance and adaptability of the RE-START circular start-up training program for its intended audience. This target group includes university students, as well as recent graduates from diverse fields, young entrepreneurs, and aspiring start-up founders. Moreover, the training programme aimed to enhance their entrepreneurial and digital skills, foster their entrepreneurial mindset, provide them with knowledge related to circular entrepreneurship and offer them guidance on how to develop and commercialise a circular start-up.
The RE-START consortium developed a comprehensive training programme that was delivered to the participants during the Pilot Tests. The RE-START circular start-up training programme includes an eLearning platform with a short training course and an interactive Toolkit. More specifically the programme includes the ICT-based Circular Business Plan Toolkit consisting of the necessary tools and approaches to develop a business idea, an eLearning Platform (MOOC) with 7 learning modules on entrepreneurship and circular economy, a series of 12 case study videos showing successful entrepreneurs share their entrepreneurial journey and a forum allowing the users to interact with each other and exchange views and knowledge.
The Pilot Tests participants showed great enthusiasm interacting with the RE-START circular start-up training programme and especially with the Toolkit Business Model Canvas which helped them conceptualise and visualize their business ideas. Furthermore, the sessions were an opportunity for the attendees to meet entrepreneurial and business experts and expand their professional network.
At the end of the sessions, participants provided their feedback on the project’s circular start-up training programme that will be used as a basis for the improvement of the developed material.
The Pilot Tests were organized within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “RE-START – Reinforcing the Circular Economy Model for Start-Ups” which encourages and guides university students, recent graduates and start-uppers to develop a circular start-up or transform their business idea into a circular one based on the Ellen MacArthur’s circular economy model.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-CY01-KA220-HED-000032155