Welcome to the RE-START Project!
Nowadays, we take materials from the Earth, manufacture products, and then throw them away as waste. But in a CIRCULAR ECONOMY, we prevent waste from being created in the first place. The circular economy is founded on three main concepts:
- Waste and pollution must be eliminated.
- Products and materials should be circulated (at their highest value)
- Nature should be regenerated.
Climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution are global concerns that the circular economy seeks to address.
Whilst this new group of circular entrepreneurs is growing, little to no research has
been done to understand why and how these entrepreneurs create start-ups within the circular economy.
RE-START project aims to support young people who attempt to develop their circular start-up. RE-START seeks young people to understand better the concept of Circular Economy (CE) and how it can be further embraced as a sustainable way of thinking and operating for the EU start-ups of the 21st century. This project aims to provide participants with a broad knowledge and understanding of the Circular Economy (CE), the need for innovation, and the responsibility of their potential business regarding sustainable development.
RE-START provides a practical programme with a circular business idea that participants intend to develop. At the end of this project, participants will be able to produce a comprehensive circular business plan to launch a circular start-up or a spin-off.

P1: GRANTXPERT CONSULTING LIMITED (Cyprus) – GrantXpert Consulting is a Cypriot-based SME with cumulative expertise of more than 25 years in European and National funding programmes. GX has extensive experience in the field of Circular Economy, especially in the area of Circular Tourism, as a result of their involvement and implementation in related Erasmus+ and Interreg Med projects.
P2: DANMAR COMPUTERS SP ZOO (Poland) – Danmar Computers is a private company providing vocational training in Information Technology and developing e-learning, mobile and customised ICT solutions. Danmar is experienced in developing digital solutions for various VET target audiences, WBL schemes and the purpose of circular economy, all together promoting a sustainable approach to entrepreneurship.
The Enterprise and the University of Alicante Foundation is a non-profit organisation that is interrelated with Alicante University and the province’s companies. The FUNDEUN aims to develop common channels of both dialogue and relationships between the University and the business world. FUNDEUN trains highly qualified professionals ready to satisfy the business world’s demands.
P4: IDEA – INNOVATE DEVELOP EXCEL ACCOMPLISH LIMITED (Cyprus) – IDEA Innovation Center was founded in 2015 in the wake of the economic crisis and is the only non-profit Incubator –Accelerator and comprehensive innovation centre for entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs in Cyprus. IDEA emphasises the entire spectrum and peripheral activities that build entrepreneurial skills & mindset to people with vision and highlight commercialisation activities. IDEA has vast experience developing entrepreneurship training curricula, mentoring, coaching and providing access to young entrepreneurs to investors.
P5: HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY (Greece) – Hellenic Open University (HOU) is the only Greek State University that offers formal and non-formal lifelong education to more undergraduate and postgraduate levels than 45.000 students who are dispersed all over the country. Its training methodology combines distance learning with principles of adult education, relies heavily on digital material and virtual meetings and uses online training platforms and tools.
P6: UNIVERSIDADE DA BEIRA INTERIOR (Portugal) – The University of Beira Interior (UBI) is one of the most recent public universities in Portugal, consolidating itself as a landmark institution in the educational, research, innovation, business, entrepreneurship and informatics fields. Today, the UBI is a landmark institution both at the national and international levels in education, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship, competitiveness and innovation is one line of research developed within the Research Unit – NECE.
P7: INNOVATION HIVE (Greece) – The Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organisation whose primary mission is to bring open innovation in different applications, based on the extensive partnership of stakeholders. Through creating a symbiotic alliance between society, academia, and the Industry, Innovation Hive’s goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve Growth sustainability, and maximise the impact on society.
PR1:: Circular Business Plan Toolkit
PR2:: E-Training program
PR3: Guidebook for trainers and academics
PR4: Industry Cooperations
Useful LINKS:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible for them. 2021-1-CY01-KA220-HED-000032155